The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (“AMPS”) has published an email sent to all Australian colleges and associations of medicine, health and science and copied to all Australian Federal, State and Territory Senators and Members of Parliament.
Suppose you’ve received the dreaded diagnosis and you’re evaluating your options for treatment. While friends and family may be urging you to go the conventional route, you believe there must be a better, less toxic way than ‘destroy to heal.’ Here’s a glimpse into that other, often hidden world.
Be careful about circulating scientific data that debunks the assumptions standing behind costly climate change policies. Otherwise, technology companies reserve the right to muzzle those dissenting views.
As cynical media members wring their hands and clutch their pearls over the real-world harms that can come from reckless rhetoric, they themselves should be held accountable for the damaging hyperbole they traffic.
Progressives first demanded that social-media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of forced ‘green-energy’ transition.
Recently, John Zogby Strategies conducted a survey revealing that upwards of 15 percent of all American adults who got “vaccinated” for Covid-19 now suffer from at least one serious health condition.
The new CDC COVID-19 guidance is the agency acknowledging it was wrong in the past to downplay natural immunity and promote unprecedented policies like asymptomatic testing, a California epidemiologist says.
Johnson & Johnson will stop selling its trademark talc-based baby powder as the pharma giant pays out billions of dollars to women alleging it caused their cancer.
Many people thought that the poliovirus was extinct across the majority of the world, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared many continents polio-free.
The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived, Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA has entered phase two! From the outset we stated that this tour is not just about addressing the pandemic anomalies via conferences and seminars.
A rather remarkable story broke this week. Dr. Deepak Kaushal, who oversees the Texas Biomedical Research Institute’s $40+ million Southwest Primate Research Center, which according to Science, “receives about $10 million in federal funding per year and houses about 2,500 marmosets, baboons, and macaques,” was credibly accused of research misconduct by the US Office of Research Integrity. He settled.
The discredited greenhouse gas theory has multiple iterations, many of which are mutually exclusive. Leading laboratory spectroscopy expert, Dr Charles R Anderson, debunks such ‘settled science’ on TNT Radio and explains why carbon dioxide is not our climate’s control knob.
Emergency mandates on vaccines, masks, and lockdowns that have stripped Americans of basic rights need to be put on trial, according to Del Bigtree, host of “The HighWire” and CEO of Informed Consent Action Network.
A team of doctors has alerted the medical world to the danger of artery blockage from COVID vaccination with a new case report, published on August 5, 2022 in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science.