PsyOp Climate Change: The Absurd CO2 Scam

Written by 2nd Smartest Guy In The World

co2 600m years

In a sane world, the chart above puts an end to all the “climate change” arguments. The current atmospheric CO2 level is around 420 PPM, which is critically too low. We actually need more CO2, not less.

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What Will A Net Zero Britain Look Like? The Answer: Bleak

Written by David Wright

The arbitrary date of 2050 set by the US, Canada, Britain, Europe and Australia to achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions is only 28 years away, yet almost no attention has been given to the reality of everyday life when power is provided by wind, solar and very little else.

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The War Against Humanity Reaching Point of No Return

Written by Joachim Hagopian

The Georgia Guidestones are destroyed, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is forced to resign, the longest serving Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is allegedly assassinated, the head of OPEC suddenly dies at 63 with no explanation, angry mobs stormed the Columbo capital forcing the resignation of Sri Lanka’s second president in less than two months, and a quarter of Canada’s internet goes down for 19 hours.

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