Whistleblower: Military Covering Up COVID-19 Vax Injuries

Written by Joshua Philipp and PSI Editor

covid vial vaccine

The U.S. military is allegedly covering up data on injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines, according to a whistleblower.

Lt. Mark Bashaw, a preventive medicine officer with the U.S. Air Force, has stepped forward to reveal how vaccine injuries are being hidden from the public, and how the military’s database that tracks vaccine injuries has been altering data.

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Photon Foolishness and CO2 Alarmism

Written by Claes Johnson

Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his 1905 discovery of the Law of Photoelectricity (discovered by Hertz already in 1887) based on an idea of light as a stream of light particles or light quanta later named photons, in a return to an idea of Newton abandoned since the discovery of light as an electromagnetic wave phenomenon captured by Maxwell’s equations published in 1873.

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CDC quietly deletes false information from its own website

Written by Ethan Huff

Up until recently, the U.S. CDC was still hawking the notion that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” spike proteins do not stay inside the body for any longer than just a few days following injection. Now that this is debunked – spike proteins persist inside the body, it turns out – the CDC has quietly removed its former claim from the internet with no announcement whatsoever.

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