Misinformation, Disinformation, and the Climate Sciences: Part 2, Our broken peer-review process

Written by Koen Vogel

What is misinformation, and how can we prevent it? Part 1 of this article dealt with misinformation, and how to combat it in a scientific manner. Part 2 takes a long scientific look at the “climate alarmist” article that caused the Great Barrier Reef controversy, and our currently floundering peer-review process that enables the scientific publishing of misinformation.

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Was The Covid Pandemic A ‘Needed Crisis’?

Written by Dr. Ann Corson And Mingjia Jacky Guan

dr desmet

In an Epoch Health podcast, Dr. Ann Corson spoke with Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet [pictured above], the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation and its application to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Trudeau’s Vaccine Mandates EXPOSED In Court Documents

Written by Clayton Morris and PSI Editor

trudeau wef

A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter.

In fact, the Trudeau government decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That’s not how these things should go!

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