If a solar storm as big as the Carrington Event struck today, it could lead to years-long power outages.
What if the 1859 Carrington Event happened today?
Written by Charles Q. Choi
Written by Charles Q. Choi
If a solar storm as big as the Carrington Event struck today, it could lead to years-long power outages.
Written by Tereza Pultarova
New observations by the flying telescope SOFIA confirmed there is water on the illuminated surface of the moon.
Written by el gato malo
It’s more than just democracy that drowns in disinformation.
Written by Dan Skorbach
Embalming is a unique profession that prepares the body of a deceased person for the funeral. Part of this process involves draining the blood from the corpse and replacing it with embalming fluid to preserve the tissues.
While draining the blood, embalmers sometimes come across blood clots in the veins and arteries.
Written by PSI Editor and Tucker Carlson
In a scathing monologue, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson takes on the liberal environmental policies wrecking California and are now infecting other states as well.
Written by Pamela Geller
And it’s not just the Czech, it’s across Europe. While here in America, Biden announces nearly $3B in new military aid for Ukraine.
Written by Mike Adams
In yet another truly astonishing announcement that demonstrates the desperation of this hour, German steelmaker ArcelorMittal, one of the largest steel production facilities in Europe, has shuttered operations due to high energy prices. (See their announcement here, in German.)
Written by Rani Hayman
A plan to ditch 8,000 diesel buses in New South Wales for an electric fleet is being delayed by at least five years.
Written by Jamie Carter
The telescope’s infrared observations of the exoplanet, HIP 65426 b, were revealed Thursday (Sept. 1st) in a paper posted to the preprint database arXiv (opens in new tab).
Written by The Free Thought Project
The Android app store, Google Play, has introduced sweeping new rules that ban apps containing what the tech giant deems to be “misleading health claims that contradict existing medical consensus, or can cause harm to users.”
Written by Stacy Liberatore
A high school teacher taking her dog for a walk along the shore of Prince Edward Island, Canada discovered fossilized remains of an unknown animal that walked the Earth 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous Era – about 50 million years earlier than the dinosaurs.
Written by Pamela Geller
And still, it won’t make a bit o difference or propel immediate policy changes. They are forcing our children to mask in schools. We are in the throes of a stealth, brutal takeover.
Written by John O'Sullivan
September 04, 2022 – Hi and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know. In this episode we dissect the lies about ‘safe’ vaccines and natural immunity with two science experts.
Written by PSI Editor
Around 17,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic, the world was in the grip of an Ice Age the likes of which humanity had never seen before.
Things had been cold on Earth with polar icecaps and chilly northern winters for most of human history.
Written by PSI Editor and Mikki Willis
Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing, false narratives was targeted at the Nobel Prize-winning HUMAN medicine, Ivermectin.
Written by Joel Smalley
Inspired by the stellar work of the intrepid John Dee, I have re-analysed the SSA mortality data I have been working with.