Professor Hacker’s The Math Myth Condensed

Written by William Walter Kay BA JD

Professor Emeritus (Poli-Sci) at Queens College, Andrew Hacker (b.1929), received his PhD from Princeton and later worked at Oxford. While not a mathematician, Hacker has taught university-level math and stats. He’s authored 10 books and written for the New York Times and New York Review of Books.

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A New Public Health Crisis

Written by David Sanders Ragsdale

I’m back on the VSRF Weekly Update this Thursday and we will be discussing the new bivalent booster vaccines and the staggering “died suddenly” numbers from the existing vaccines that together constitute a new public health crisis.

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Why are so many people dying?

Written by The Hart Group

The disappointment from Covidean doom-mongers about the recent – and entirely expected – downtick in cases of respiratory disease has been palpable, presumably because this has happened without recourse to ‘clever’ public health interventions.

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