Scientists use mosquitos to deliver experimental malaria vaccine
Written by TK Randall
Written by TK Randall
Written by David Sorensen
Dear friends all over the world, the past months a treacherous assault was launched against one of the most influential people in the entire worldwide movement for justice, and a better world: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.
Written by M. Sheshpari
Military and intelligence services use different types of energy weapons.
Written by
Hear sonic expert & pioneer of the Cymascope, John Stuart Reid share his insights into why sound is not a wavelength, is pop music the most healing music for our bodies, how does sound give birth to light and a lot more!
Written by Carlo Martuscelli
Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla (pictured) has pulled out of an appointment to testify before the European Parliament’s special committee on COVID-19, at which he was expected to face tough questions on how secretive vaccine deals were struck.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
A new, shattering study by scientists shows natural El Niño Southern Oscillations (ENSO) are undoubtedly linked to the 22-year Hale solar cycle – far beyond any coincidence. NOTHING TO DO WITH CO2.
Written by Joe Allen
The U.S. government is pouring billions into understanding genetics and the human brain, and more frighteningly, how to manipulate those systems.
Written by Karen McVeigh
Acidification of the western Arctic Ocean is happening three to four times faster than in other ocean basins, the Guardian claims.
Written by Andrew Montford
An article in the Critic asks if we are facing another great depression. I’m surprised that there is any doubt about it.
Written by Charlie Cooper
Ministers are concerned about browbeating Brits with energy demands so soon after tough COVID measures
Written by Arian Marie
The Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) collaboration (pictured) has announced the discovery of three new exotic particles.
Written by Alex Lawson
EDF is considering extending the life of two British nuclear power plants due to the severity of the energy crisis.
Written by Vera Eckert
Germany’s cabinet on Wednesday passed two decrees to prolong the operation of sizeable hard coal-fired power generation plants up to March 31, 2024, and to bring back idled brown coal capacity up to June 30, 2023, to boost supply.
Written by Brandon Vigliarolo
The US intelligence community has launched a program to develop artificial intelligence that can determine authorship of anonymous writing while also disguising an author’s identity by subtly altering their words.
Written by Brandon Vigliarolo
Why not simply invent a working fusion plant using $50m from Uncle Sam
Written by Theo Nicitopoulos
Particles plucked from Ryugu and returned to Earth reveal the near-Earth asteroid originated beyond Jupiter, helping shed light on the evolution of the asteroid belt.