Central heating will be restricted in Italy this winter, as it becomes the latest country to take action on European gas supply shortages sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
There is a global, cooperative effort to depopulate the planet, and attorney Todd Callender contends that our elite ruling class is using the technology of 5G and the development of the mandatory Covid jab to carry out their plan.
Seeing is no longer believing. Welcome to the world of deepfakes.
Video-editing software has advanced to the point that it’s no longer just the movie studios who can make the impossible seem real (think Luke Skywalker’s recent Mandalorian cameos).
Security cameras from around the world are capturing frightening new footage of people collapsing in spasms on the ground in what may be the latest symptom of exposure to the COVID-19 vaccines.
As the rate of new cases, rare hospitalizations, and deaths winnow down from the Omicron after wave many are asking what mistakes the CDC (and NIH and FDA) has to own up to as Director Rochelle Walensky said:
“To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic and pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications” she said in a video message to CDC employees, and summarized by TIME Magazine.
Whether talking about flights above 40,000 feet or undersea explosions, ‘greenhouse gasses’ are being released into the atmosphere after enacting universal policies to prevent their discharge.
Helping us on our two-hour radio journey around current affairs and those dark forces behind the scenes is American journalist, author, lecturer, and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review, Matt Ehret.
Electric car owners have seen their rides catch fire after becoming waterlogged during Hurricane Ian and it can take hours to put the conflagrations out, a top Florida official warned Thursday.
Writing for CNN, Stephen Strader, a Villanova University geography and environment professor, attributes the large amount of damage Hurricane Ian caused to decisions made by individuals and politicians that have resulted in large populations living along the Florida coast, not ‘climate change’.
The year 2021 will go down in history as the year of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the lives that were destroyed by an experimental gene-therapy shot that was rushed to market by the $BILLIONS of dollars that were given to Big Pharma.
Kaiser Permanente is both an insurance company and a healthcare provider company. It negotiates with employers once a year to set its health insurance rates.