The Big Bang NEVER Made Sense

Written by Michael Armstrong

Philosopher of Science, Michael Armstrong, makes a beautiful statement about the illogical nature of the “Big Bang” idea and a brief overview of why it’s not scientifically supported.

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There Is Not Enough Lithium and Cobalt to Replace Batteries Every 10 Years

Written by Chris Morrison

Influential elites are either in denial about the horrifying costs and consequences of Net Zero – witness last Wednesday’s substantial vote against fracking British gas in the House of Commons – or busy scooping up the almost unlimited amounts of money currently on offer for promoting pseudoscience climate scares and investing in impracticable green technologies.

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Court: Fauci Must Testify Under Oath About Social Media COVID Censorship

Written by William A. Jacobson

You may recall that we have had multiple posts covering a lawsuit brought by Missouri and Louisiana, later joined by others, against the Biden administration and its top officials allegedly involved in colluding with Big Tech and social media giants to censor alleged Covid misinformation (much of which we now know was not misinformation at all, just inconvenient facts).

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Climate Change: Myth Vs. Reality, Part 5 With Joe Olson

Written by Jim Fetzer

Western civilization made literal quantum advances in the nineteen century with collaboration and communication among top scientists from many nations. Science was a holistic effort by all branches, always with historical context.

By the mid-twentieth century, science had degenerated into compartmentalized specialties with no interdisciplinary oversite.

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Climate Alarmism Is The Left’s New Religion

Written by PSI Editor

In a new video posted to Triggernometry, Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster interview Marian Tupy, where he discusses how extreme environmentalism maps onto Christian theology and why we should be optimistic about the future.

Tupy is the editor of Human​Progress​.org and a senior fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity. He specializes in globalization, global well-being, politics, and the economics of Europe and Southern Africa.

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Swedish Government ‘Threw Out The Mad Greenies’

Written by Sky News Australia

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the Swedish government “basically threw out all the mad greenies” and is reintroducing non-renewable forms of energy.

“They’re completely overturning everything to do with the net zero climate policy,” he said.

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