Ten-time Wimbledon doubles champion Todd Woodbridge has suffered a heart attack aged just 51.
Another Top Athlete Suffers Suffers Shock Heart Attack
Written by The Sun
Written by The Sun
Ten-time Wimbledon doubles champion Todd Woodbridge has suffered a heart attack aged just 51.
Written by Lars Paulsson, Josefine Fokuhl and Bloomberg
Not far from Berlin’s Tempelhof airport, Peter Engelke is putting up a new security gate at his warehouse because of concerns about desperate people pilfering his stock. The precious asset at risk is firewood.
Written by Vanessa Beeley
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
The fact that tumor sizes have become dramatically larger since 2021, patients are younger, and recurrence and metastasis are increasing should be front-page news, but you’re hearing nothing about it.
Written by PSI Editor
New documents show that the ‘coronavirus’ and vaccines are biosynthetic parasites. That’s according to former Pfizer VP Karen Kingston, who provided proof that they are cleverly disguised bioweapons.
Written by PSI Editor and Klein Vision
The Slovakian company Klein Vision announced in a press release that its flying car had been certified by the country’s civil aviation authority and has officially issued the AirCar concept with its certificate of airworthiness.
The idea behind the AirCar is that it can move both in the air and on the ground. And indeed, the AirCar has both an aerodynamic fuselage and a modern, attractive design inside and out.
Written by Rachel Alexander
When I first heard that the book Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote about Dr. Anthony Fauci was going to be made into a documentary by the Fahrenhype 9/11 filmmaker, I was skeptical, because the left has been trying to defeat vaccine choice by falsely labeling our position as “anti-vaccine.”
Written by Children's Health Defense
We’re just a few days away from getting to see and know the real Anthony Fauci. Throughout the pandemic, the truth has always been here.
Organized forces have worked diligently to suppress the truth and misrepresent data. We have seen them consistently demonstrate a real and blatant disregard for true science.
Written by Spencer Lindquist
Puberty blockers can cause infertility yet they are given out to children “like candy,” a director of the Boston Children’s Hospital gender clinic admitted in an October 2020 presentation obtained by Breitbart News.
Written by Derek Knauss
The New York Times recently published a rather disturbing headline stating the time for cannibalism is now.
Written by Chris Young
The company behind the engine claims it overcomes the shortcomings of hydrogen fuel cells.
Written by BN Frank
5G warnings and opposition has limited, slowed, and/or stopped deployment including near some U.S. airports due to dangerous interference issues with aviation equipment (see 1, 2, 3, 4).
Written by The Expose
It has now been several weeks since the EU and official EU statistics departments were forced to launch an official Europe-wide investigation into excess deaths among children because of an exclusive investigation conducted and published by The Exposé.
Written by coreysdigs.com
Few people are aware of who creates the global food “standards” and “guidelines,” and even fewer have a seat at the table with a voice to challenge the toxins, ingredients, and processes working their way into the food system.
Written by John Dee
A quick look at the HADCRUT5 global mean annual temperature anomaly and human emissions over the last 170 years
Written by Steve Kirsch
Dr. Naomi Wolf is being silenced because the truth is harmful, not because what she is saying is wrong. They don’t even bother to fact check her or ask for her sources.