Sunderland Council has confirmed that it has no plans to run the annual airshow in the future because of the ‘global climate emergency’.
UK Council Cancels Airshows Because Of The ‘climate emergency’
Written by Georgina Cutler
Written by Georgina Cutler
Sunderland Council has confirmed that it has no plans to run the annual airshow in the future because of the ‘global climate emergency’.
Written by PSI Editor
This weekend’s guests on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying Show are Elizabeth Hart, a long-term campaigner in Australia for the truth about vaccine injury, and climate expert Tom Nelson who will debunk the media’s fearmongering narrative. Listen live Saturday 7 pm -9 pm (New York time).
Written by The Expose
Peeling back the layers of deception and obfuscation reveals a shocking truth that may not be all that shocking to our informed readers: Covid-19 “vaccines” are injuring and killing far more people than the government is letting on.
Written by Joel Smalley
If the very elderly had been protected and everyone else had carried on normally, COVID would have been defeated naturally within two months. Who knew?
Written by The Spectator
Instead of helping people keep an eye on fake news, they protect corporate entities from ‘social damage’.
Written by Peter McCullough
Critical Insights Coming from Time Honored Procedure
Written by Nicole Saphier, M.D.
Boosters for kids need to follow the science, only the efficacy information isn’t there
Written by Joel Smalley
They aren’t putting a burden on healthcare either.
Written by
Astronomers have never seen anything like it. On Oct. 9, 2022, Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A.
Written by PSI Editor and Anton Petrov
The idea of artificial photosynthesis, something that Nature has been trying to evolve and improve for billions of years, is something that in the last few decades humans have improved even more.
Photosynthesis provides energy for the vast majority of life on Earth. But chlorophyll, the green pigment that plants use to harvest sunlight, is relatively inefficient.
Written by Dustin Nemos
In this special report Todd Callender joins the The Prather Point to discuss the next PLANdemic (the Marburg pathogen), which will be the excuse used to force the unvaxxed into quarantine camps (FEMA) where kill-shots will be administered.
Written by Brianna McKee
Reflecting on Jacinda Ardern’s recent attack on free speech at the United Nations, British pundit Brendan O’Neill astutely declared that ‘tyranny has had a makeover’.
Written by Edward Hendrie
I recently talked to a couple with a newborn baby who had to leave their pediatrician’s office because the pediatricians would not allow them to forgo getting their child vaccinated.
Written by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
(AAPS) filed its motion and amicus brief Thursday evening with the federal district court in Galveston urging it to allow the lawsuit to proceed against the FDA for its misleading statements against ivermectin.
Written by Paul Homewood
Why does The Conversation always feature extreme climate alarmists, but never put the other side of the story? (Apparently, this is what they call “academic rigour”!)
Written by Kevin Nelson
Some things in life are hard to understand and explain. The theory of relativity, for example, or the origins of black holes. Other things are easy to grasp, however.