Laurence Fox breaks apart the lies repeatedly fed to the public and details the manipulation by the billionaire-funded lobby groups and activists.
The Top FIVE Climate Change LIES
Written by Laurence Fox
Written by Laurence Fox
Laurence Fox breaks apart the lies repeatedly fed to the public and details the manipulation by the billionaire-funded lobby groups and activists.
Written by Andrea Widburg
The Daily Mail has an article about women claiming that using the Pill turned them into lesbians—and that some scientists are agreeing that this could be true.
Written by John Leake
Dr. McCullough and I started working together on The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex in May of 2021.
Written by Ethan Huff
Are they just making up numbers?
Written by Joel Smalley
In my last post, I extolled the utility of the cumulative excess deaths function in analysing mortality in England. However, my modified Gompertz function is just as useful in getting to the bottom of whether exogenous factors (external events) are exerting an influence on a mortality distribution.
Written by Matthew Ehret
While much propaganda has gone into convincing the world that eugenics disappeared with the defeat of Hitler in 1945, the reality, as I discussed in my previous article The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits, is far removed from this popular fantasy.
Written by Joel Smalley
Analysis of cumulative excess mortality for over 60s in England given the Occam’s razor treatment
Written by Gabriella Pariseau
First, they wanted us to eat the bugs. That didn’t catch on, so now they want to make our meat in a lab.
Written by Peter Caddle
Protesters gathered in front of a shuttered power station on Sunday to demonstrate against the Irish government’s banning of a natural and abundant fuel just in time for the winter energy crisis.
Written by Chris Morrison
Extreme cold records continue to tumble at the South Pole. Three recent days – November 16th, 17th, and 18th – have recorded a daily record, with the 18th plunging to –45.2°C, compared with –44.7°C on the same day in 1987.
Written by Carl Herman
Just when you thought the Covid-deranged establishment medical community couldn’t lose any more credibility, Raymond D. Palmer, a self-identified mRNA alchemist from Western Australia, admitted that there are serious risks associated with Covid-19 vaccinations, but he blamed the anti-vaxxers for it.
Written by Dr Aseem Malhotra
Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra (pictured) uncovers data on one of the most widely distributed pharmacological interventions in the history of medicine
Written by Joachim Hagopian
Just looking at the modern Dr. Mengele Anthony Fauci repulses me.
Written by The White Rose UK
A High Court ruling recently stated that the 5G installations are illegal and have to be removed.
Written by Jerm Warfare
What if it’s true that powerful actors are trying to manipulate Earth’s climate?
Written by Dr. Susan Crockford
Svalbard is still ice-free this fall, which it has been rather consistently for at least ten years, but the amount of sea ice greater than ‘normal’ in the Eastern Canadian Arctic at this date is something to behold. Yet contrary to predictions, polar bears in Svalbard are thriving.