Banking on a Shot in the Dark

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

In the video below, Del Bigtree with The Highwire reviews how the precautionary principle and long-standing safety guidelines in medicine have been eliminated with the COVID shots, and how data showing harms are being ignored, suppressed and manipulated to hide the truth.

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FDA Trying to Rewrite COVID History on Prohibiting Ivermectin

Written by Katie Spence

Boyden Gray & Associates filed a lawsuit in June on behalf of three doctors who allege that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) illegally interfered with their doctor–patient relationships, resulting in harm. They also claim that the FDA broke the law when the agency issued statements prohibiting the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

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Why Does The Left Consider This Documentary So Dangerous?

Written by PSI Editor

While PSI doesn’t normally post videos like this, anytime a political group or party clamors to shut something down, we tend to smell a rat and push back on such needless censorship.

A new video discusses why the Left hates a widely popular documentary on Netflix that argues that there was a lost global civilization that existed on Earth some 12,000 years ago but it was wiped out in a cataclysm that erased most traces of it. The doc is called Ancient Apocalypse.

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