COVID-19 (coronavirus) resources are needed because there is more than one way to look at how the pandemic has been handled
Experimental Vaccine Ethics Require Informed and Voluntary Consent
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COVID-19 (coronavirus) resources are needed because there is more than one way to look at how the pandemic has been handled
Written by eugyppius
It turns out that you can have battery-powered cars, or you can have renewable energy, but you can’t have both
North Sea oil exploration firms have told the Treasury that they face going out of business due to the 75 percent windfall tax imposed on them in the Chancellor’s autumn statement.
Climate activists who have successfully vilified nuclear energy, leading to plant closures around the Western world, may be surprised to learn that their efforts have actually increased carbon dioxide emissions, according to a report from The Breakthrough Institute, an environmental research center.
Written by Michael Shellenberger
Last summer, scientists announced that they had discovered more coral on the Great Barrier Reef than at any other point in the 36 years since they started measuring it.
Written by Anton Petrov and PSI Editor
Ever wonder why Venus became inhospitable and Earth didn’t? That question that’s been bugging scientists for a very long time, especially when it comes to the evolution of planets like Venus and Earth.
Written by El Gato Malo
Seeing all the claims aggregated and watching the efficacy disintegrate over time and turn into booster bans and straight-up disavowal is the perfect story arc of the last 2 years.
And this is how trust in public health died.
Written by Steve Kirsch
While most of the US population were enjoying Thanksgiving week, Anthony Fauci sat under oath to answer questions about the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional and dangerous efforts to bypass our First Amendment.
Written by Edinburgh Instruments
The Stokes Shift is named after Irish physicist George Gabriel Stokes (pictured) and is the spectral shift to lower energy between the incident light and the scattered or emitted light after interaction with a sample.
Written by Christopher Coyne
Written by Stephen McMurray
One of the many curiosities of Rishi Sunak’s sudden anointing as Prime Minister was his near-immediate U-turn on COP27.
Written by Renato R. Colucci
Snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere at the end of November represents an important parameter for the early winter forecast. This year snow extent is running much higher than average and according to existing global estimates, it is now beyond the highest ever observed since 1967.
Written by Conan Milner
Written by Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake
Written by Joel Smalley
Main insights from 30 months of analysing mortality data and scratching the surface of epidemiology, virology, immunology and geography!
Written by James Taylor
Among the top stories that Google News lists today for “climate change” is an article by the National Public Radio (NPR) website claiming climate change is causing the Dead Sea to dry up.