A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks
I am sorry to break this to you: While I personally would like a Nuremberg trial for the crime which was Covid-19s creation and release, its response by our officials, experts and media through lockdown, censorship and untested vaccines, it wont happen. Here is why.
First, there is no climate emergency. Claims to the contrary are based on exaggerations of carbon dioxide’s warming effect and computer models that have proven unreliable.
Carbon trading is the economic platform to generate government income. That income then drives the carbon control financial mechanisms that will be deployed to the people.
It is a psychological game to keep discussing an imaginary or fictitious object to indirectly convince or confuse the public that the object is real and exists.
Ph.D. scientist, veteran, and scientist Andrew Huff publishes his accusations in a major new Simon & Schuster book that comes out on Tuesday, December 6.
Writing at Bloomberg, Javier Blas has an excellent piece out today detailing a sudden downturn for orders of new offshore and onshore wind turbines in Europe.
Sound engineering, not political ideology, sits at the heart of our reliable and affordable power supplies. However, in the veritable blink of an eye, engineers have been given the flick, so too, our good friends logic and reason.
Renewables advocates have been claiming that solar and wind generation are now the least costly form of generation, and therefore, should replace all fossil fuel generation as quickly as possible. Is this correct?
At a recent event in Malibu, California, hosted by the Children’s Health Defense, I fell into a fascinating conversation with a fellow investigative author about what is going on in our increasingly bewildering world, and the difficulty of ascertaining anything with certainty.