Another consequence of Covid lockdowns is the record number of people that died from alcohol-related illnesses last year, which is likely to be the result of increased drinking during the pandemic, according to the Office for National Statistics
Persons profiled below are not part of some climate-industrial-complex controlling cabal. Industrial-complexes, by definition, are not centralized hierarchies; rather, they are galaxies of autonomous organizations sharing certain characteristics and circling common government agencies.
The Climate Cult worships two green idols – electric vehicles and wind-solar energy. This is part of a futile UN scheme promoting “Net Zero Emissions” which aims to cool the climate of the world by waging war on CO2.
Saturday 10th December (6pm – 8pm Eastern). In the first hour we welcome back our good friend, Carl Herman, for his take on topical current affairs. In the second hour we have Professor Larry Bell on climate conspiracies and deception.
What do you do when you don’t have three hours to watch an important hearing on Covid vaccines and injuries, especially when it’s led by a top US senator and actual experts? You boil it down into a 10-minute highlight reel.
Patients commonly ask me why their other doctors push COVID-19 vaccination so hard still to this day with alarming safety statistics, loss of efficacy, and now a complete lack of human trial data with the bivalent boosters?
A patent granted to Bill Gates awarded the self-appointed world health czar the “exclusive rights” to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks
I am sorry to break this to you: While I personally would like a Nuremberg trial for the crime which was Covid-19s creation and release, its response by our officials, experts and media through lockdown, censorship and untested vaccines, it wont happen. Here is why.