Despite successfully filling its gas storage ahead of winter this year, Europe’s energy crisis is far from over.
Europe’s Energy Crisis Just Getting Started As Gas Supplies Tighten
Despite successfully filling its gas storage ahead of winter this year, Europe’s energy crisis is far from over.
Written by Koen Vogel, Ph.D.
This is the fourth post of seven in support of the PROM article “An integrated physical model for planetary magnetism and heat”, which proposes an alternate origin for the geomagnetic field versus the consensus geodynamo theory. Each PSI post documents an alternate model to the existing scientific consensus on planetary processes.
Written by Martin Sieff
Written by James Grundvig
Lockdown 2.0 will come early next year. You can smell it. You can taste it. You can see it like a ship gradually becoming bigger on the horizon, heading towards shore.
Written by Steve Kirsch
Best estimate 2 vax deaths per 1,000 vaccinated. Deaths from vax >> deaths from COVID. Nobody is able to refute Joel’s analysis showing at best the vaccine did nothing (not safe or effective).
Written by LJ Devon
About one third of the population has learned the hard way that the government, the media, and the pharmaceutical companies are pathological liars that seek to control, manipulate, and harm, without any remorse or redress.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Here’s a winning political strategy the German government is using: Just blame the voters for the problems you’ve created. If their mastermind green plans don’t work, it’s the citizens’ fault!
Written by Children's Heath Defense
A new study claims people who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 face a substantially higher risk of getting in a car crash than vaccinated people, which could justify higher insurance rates for the unvaccinated, prompting critics to pounce on the study’s flaws and researchers’ motives.
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U.S. Appeals Court says Amos Miller won’t be spending Christmas in jail after all, drops $300,000 fine, and allows him to sell meat again, so he doesn’t go bankrupt while a long-term solution is negotiated!
Written by Good Sciencing
It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening.
Written by Tanja Katarina Rebel
Written by Dr Susan Crockford
The 234 or so polar bears inhabiting the SE tip of Greenland, said to be genetically and ecologically unique because they are “surviving without ice“, have been experiencing sea ice formation along the shoreline this month just like other bears across the Arctic.
Written by Zachary Streiber
Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been linked to blood clotting in older individuals, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Reuters published an article recently claiming ‘climate change’ was one of the primary factors causing an increasing number of countries and people to face a humanitarian crisis. This is false.
Written by Peter Caddle
The Irish government is currently planning on dramatically cutting the country’s car and cattle numbers for the sake of serving its great reset green agenda
Written by Lucas Nolan