The Receipts On Vaccine Efficacy

Written by El Gato Malo

Anthony Fauci

Seeing all the claims aggregated and watching the efficacy disintegrate over time and turn into booster bans and straight-up disavowal is the perfect story arc of the last 2 years.

And this is how trust in public health died.

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What is the Stokes Shift?

Written by Edinburgh Instruments

The Stokes Shift is named after Irish physicist George Gabriel Stokes (pictured) and is the spectral shift to lower energy between the incident light and the scattered or emitted light after interaction with a sample.

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Snow Extent in Northern Hemisphere now Highest Since 1967

Written by Renato R. Colucci

Snow extent in the Northern Hemisphere at the end of November represents an important parameter for the early winter forecast. This year snow extent is running much higher than average and according to existing global estimates, it is now beyond the highest ever observed since 1967.

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Banking on a Shot in the Dark

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

In the video below, Del Bigtree with The Highwire reviews how the precautionary principle and long-standing safety guidelines in medicine have been eliminated with the COVID shots, and how data showing harms are being ignored, suppressed and manipulated to hide the truth.

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