Last week, the Establishment guillotine descended on Brit Andrew Bridgen MP following his recounting via Twitter of the opinion of a consultant cardiologist that the global Covid19 vaccine rollout “is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust”.
AAPS invites you to attend a “Marxism in Medicine” webinar on Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 7:00 PM Eastern. A woke cultural revolution has achieved dominance in medicine and other U.S. institutions.
THE vaccine industry and those who uncritically promote it will tell you that safety standards are so high, and testing so rigorous, that vaccines are totally clean and safe. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
For all the accounts that I’ve lost through de-platforming on various sites, it makes it difficult to always reference archive material but I’m pretty sure I wrote something some time under the title “How this ends” and the hashtag #2DegreesOfSeparation.
The thermometer and barometer are two instruments fundamental to atmospheric sciences but the problem is that the people using these instruments have no idea about what information the instruments are providing.