
Written by Herb Rose

The Laws of Thermodynamics were created in the 1860s when heat and light were thought to be energy. This antiquated belief leads to confusion today because heat is kinetic energy and involve mass and energy.

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Clown World Weekly Recap #3

Written by Ben Kaufman

From this edition of Clown World Recap, here are some of this week’s trending clown world news: ‘Christmas’ is now a forbidden word in one woke UK university; U.S. Marines may ban the words ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’ to not offend superiors.

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The Geoengineered U.S. Winter Weather Bomb?

Written by State of the Nation

As the U.S. freezes, some analysts suggest this is a weather war waged against America which has been intensified in order to accomplish multiple Globalist goals and achieve various NWO objectives before the Great Reset.

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Notes on a Friday Night

Written by Matt Taibbi


Sitting in a hotel bar in San Francisco, going through what’s become a nightly “remembering to eat” ritual. As readers here know, this has been a crazy month, during which time I lost track of a lot of things.

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Burning Down The Climate Straw Man

Written by ANDREW L. URBAN

As the inevitably painful consequences of unfounded climate alarmism hit home with our very own energy crisis, Australians are entitled to point to our massive reserves of oil, coal, and gas (and yes, uranium) and ask, ‘Why? Why are we suddenly running short of ridiculously expensive energy?

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