Germany is showing how the all-electric car plans may not be as rosy as it would seem. The European Union has said that it will phase out gas-powered cars by 2035.
The GREAT Electric Car Cover-Up Just Got Worse
Written by Redacted
Written by Redacted
Germany is showing how the all-electric car plans may not be as rosy as it would seem. The European Union has said that it will phase out gas-powered cars by 2035.
Written by Stew Peters
Innocent Canadian children have died in the thousands because of the death vaccine. Odessa Orlewicz joins Stew Peters to talk about the plethora of kids who are dying suddenly.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Is there a link between earthquakes and climate change? A noted U.S. climate professor will be appearing on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying (this Saturday 7pm -9pm New York time) to discuss his revelations, which may have major scientific implications.
Written by Doug Brodie
To: Sir Edward Mountain, Conservative MSP for the Highlands and Islands. Cc: Members of the Scottish Government’s committee on Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Mr Douglas Ross MSP, leader of the Scottish Conservatives
Written by Joel Smalley
Join inspiring and knowledgeable speakers for solutions-based conversations about health, freedom, and sovereignty – 2nd to 4th June, 2023
Written by Stairway Press
Collectively, International Experts in Medicine, Vaccines, Chemistry and Public Policy pool their Criticism of the COVID-19 Plandemic in One Comprehensive Volume. Available now!
Written by BBC
Taking a progestogen-only ‘mini pill’ carries a small risk of breast cancer – similar to combined oral contraceptive pills, say researchers
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
From its founding, the UN has sought to be more than just an organization to to promote international peace and security after the Second World WII
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Rapidly progressive kidney failure to the point of hemo- or peritoneal dialysis is a medical nightmare that must be avoided at all costs
Written by Martin Sieff
Written by Catherine Edwards
In this video, Catherine Edwards interviews John O’Looney, a UK Funeral Director discussing what he witnessed during the COVID pandemic.
Written by Catherine Salgado
Twitter actually censored true content to protect trust in supposed “authoritative sources” like ex-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to installment nineteen of The Twitter Files
Written by
Unearthed emails reveal that the PCR tests used during the Covid pandemic were nothing more than a WEF scam pushed by global elites
Written by Jessie Zhang
‘Salsa dancing’ spiders, tiny crabs dressed in sea sponge, and chest-bursting wasps are among some of the 626 new Australian species scientists discovered in the past 12 months
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
It mimics the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even Alzheimer’s disease, yet it’s hard to detect because its corkscrew-shaped form allows it to burrow into and hide in your tissues. Now an epidemic out of control, did it too come from the U.S. biological weapons program?
Written by Lia Onely
An Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) study could not determine mortality risk from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and found no evidence of cardiovascular events after COVID-19 vaccination, the MOH said, though an outside expert said the conclusions are contrary to the data