An academic’s handy and short summary, sources included, concerning the mRNA jabs’ clinical trials and the increasing evidence of harm
COVID jabs initially useless, now harmful
Written by Joel Smalley
Written by Joel Smalley
An academic’s handy and short summary, sources included, concerning the mRNA jabs’ clinical trials and the increasing evidence of harm
Written by Jim Crenshaw
Listen to this crap. As if the FDA is real or actually does what is advertised or cares about us. It is not about curing anything
Written by Andy Rowlands
A couple days ago, the tv company ITV carried an article on their website about the end of e-scooter operation in Birmingham.
Written by Dr Susan Crockford
There is irrefutable evidence from Barents and Chukchi Sea subpopulations, among others, that polar bears are fat and reproducing well despite marked declines in summer sea ice over the last two decades
Written by John Dee
Written by Zachary Streiber
Data from the CDC’s New Vaccine Surveillance Network showed the flu vaccines were 49 percent effective against hospitalization or emergency department visits
Written by George Citroner
Recent data (pdf) show that nearly one-third of Americans have insomnia, and about one-third may be self-medicating to treat the condition. New research finds the price they pay for a good night’s sleep might be very high.
Written by Doug Brodie
This post is about the sad reality that a great many people have been subliminally brainwashed by the establishment but they don’t realise it, so they don’t even realise they are being abused.
Written by Joel Smalley
The BBC says it’s complex. ‘Experts’ say the opposite of what’s in the data. I think you probably know the real reason?
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discusses findings from Denmark where mRNA from SARAS-CoV-2 vaccines have been found in the blood up to 28 days after getting the vaccine.
Written by Russell Brand
In this video Russell Brand speaks to Calley Means, the Founder of TrueMed as a whistleblower on big food and big pharma. The discussion centres around the new obesity drug Ozempic which theoretically is going to be given to every overweight and obese person over the age of 12.
Written by Jim Crenshaw
Now look what they are killing us with. Pharmaceuticals. Or as I call them “Harmaceuticals” from the “harmacy”…one can get their covid shot from their “harmacist”.
Written by Matt Ehret
Modern Americans have become extremely malleable creatures. Despite those powerful founding documents that enshrine freedom, inalienable rights and the general welfare as driving moral principles of law, economics and politics, very few living Americans fully seem to have a living connection to that powerful tradition which saw eight presidents die defending it over the course of the young republic’s life.
Written by TNTV News
In this video, TNTV News look at the Ohio train crash which seems eerily similar to the film ‘White Noise’ released on Netflix last year. The film was even made in the same area of East Palestine which may seem like a coincidence to some but to others it is sure sign of predictive programming.
Written by Redacted
In this video by Redacted with Clayton Morris, they discuss NATO’s announcement of a new space project that aims to create a fleet of spy satellites. The initiative which includes NATO applicants Sweden and Finland involves not only national but commercial assets.
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discuss the vaccine data coming out of Florida since the State Surgeon General has seen a 1700% increase in VAERS reports.