In this video, Tim Truth dives deep into the phantom planes of 9/11. The North Tower was hit first and there is only one video of that crash, and the footage is poor quality but we are focusing on the second crash.
Stephen J. Crothers, who for the best part of two decades have advanced several proofs that the theory of black holes is invalid because it violates the rules of pure mathematics is looking at the General Theory of Relativity and its faulty mathematical foundations.
In just 3 years we’ve seen Covid-19(84) morph into dozens of so called variants with apparently no end in sight but has anything really changed, or is this just normal activity that can be chalked up to the common cold or flu?
Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox joins Maria Zeee to discuss Governor Kathy Hochul’s appeal to BRING BACK government quarantine camps, a new Bill that has legalised turning humans into compost and much more.
One of the things I love about Substack is the engagement in the commentary section. I feel I learn as much from there as I impart in the articles I write
In this episode of TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying we have two great expert guests discussing topical news concerning: (1) food scarcity, growing your own food, and (2) the latest developments about COVID vaccine injuries.
For the past fifty years, George Soros has been influencing politics, societal norms and has acted to change policy on the world stage. He one of the earliest supporters of the WEF and worked hard to establish the European Union. But who is George Soros and what is he up to now?
It seems that every fall and winter for the last decade at least, there has been hand-wringing about the lack of Svalbard sea ice and what a tragedy this is for polar bears
It is well known that homeless populations have much higher rates of hospitalization for a variety of reasons including drug abuse, alcoholism, aspiration, pneumonia, and neuropsychiatric reasons.
Last Friday, March 10, we had the honor to participate in a medical and constitutional freedom convention in Rochester, New York with attorney and Brownstone Institute Fellow, Bobbie Anne Cox, who was the lead plaintiff attorney in challenging New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s Third Reich style “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures.”
I suspect that the weaponization of language to advance political agendas is probably as old as language itself. In my experience, many if not most human primates are quite socially competitive.
Australia’s drug regulator was slow to update the country’s Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) despite several deaths being attributed to the vaccine, including two children, aged 7 and 9
Emergency room visits for suicide attempts among minors increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the number of visits from youths who considered suicide also rising, researchers have found