‘Salsa dancing’ spiders, tiny crabs dressed in sea sponge, and chest-bursting wasps are among some of the 626 new Australian species scientists discovered in the past 12 months
It mimics the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even Alzheimer’s disease, yet it’s hard to detect because its corkscrew-shaped form allows it to burrow into and hide in your tissues. Now an epidemic out of control, did it too come from the U.S. biological weapons program?
An Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) study could not determine mortality risk from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and found no evidence of cardiovascular events after COVID-19 vaccination, the MOH said, though an outside expert said the conclusions are contrary to the data
Respected Australian activist, Steven Harrison, who exposed COVID pandemic lockdowns and mandated vaccinations has been found shot dead after a disturbing police siege “designed to create a response.”
In 2013, a monstrous marine heatwave known as ‘The Blob’ developed off the coast of Alaska and soon stretched as far south as Mexico along the Pacific coast of North America
One of the most unsettling events of the past three years has been the globalized, coordinated messaging of socio-economic missives and policies throughout the world.
The UK government is providing Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions to Ukraine as the conflict with Russia enters a terrifying nuclear phase.
As NATO nations double down on a military rather than diplomatic solution offered by China [1], we examine the scientific evidence on the dangers of discharging such ‘dirty bombs.’
Following my “Dumb Japan” article (which was intended to provoke debate, not just to derogate the nation), I had an insightful exchange with the author of this article, who kindly explained to me how it has come about that the Japanese are “dumb” (my word, not hers).
Experts who used the American Endangered Species Act (ESA) to list polar bears as ‘threatened’ in May 2008 were mistaken: sea ice authorities got their predictions wrong about future ice extent and polar bear specialists erroneously declared that two-thirds of polar bears would disappear if summer sea ice declines continued unabated
5G truthers are staging their next 5G Global Protest on 25/26 March. The aim is to gather people who oppose the introduction of non-transparent/harmful/non-verified 5G wireless technology. More info at https://safetechinternational.org
My attention was recently drawn by a commentary from Emily Harris in JAMA implying that COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy had benefits from a study previously published in the British Medical Journal.