Hypothesis: Bored elites’ novelty seeking behavior is driving normalization of pedophilia and other sexual taboos
Normalizing Sex as Entertainment
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Hypothesis: Bored elites’ novelty seeking behavior is driving normalization of pedophilia and other sexual taboos
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we continue to look at auditory frequencies and their physiological and psychological effects. We see that 40 Hz impacts auditory processing.
Written by Facts Matter
In this video, Roman Balmakov breaks down 32 climate predictions that have been proven false beginning with the Doomsday Clock.
Written by Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness
This video shows the interview with Jason Shurka and the Inventor and Founder Dr. Sandra Rose Michael of the EESystem which is the system at our Full Spectrum International Quantum Wellness & Energy Center.
Written by CDN
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter from Canadian oil and gas producers still not seeing that the government intends to destroy them.
Written by Jerm Warfare
A Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile.
Written by El Gato Malo
“Know what a king fears by that which he will not allow his subjects to speak aloud…” So what does the king fear today? Seemingly everything. They want once more to sell you a lack of liberty as safety, but its not truly your safety they care about. It is their own. Consider this censorious shillery masquarading as an online safety bill in the UK.
Written by The Medical Truth
In this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, James Egidio interviews Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, who is a licensed internal medicine physician as well as an ACAMS certified Chelation therapist., a licensed internal medicine physician and Dr. Mihalcea discusses the toxins found in vaccines as well as utilizing chelation therapy to detox from dangerous vaccinations. Dr. Mihalcea is a diligent Substack author where she can be found posting new content everyday.
Written by BrighteonTV
In this video, Dr. Lee Merritt discusses nanotechnology in the vaccines with Ana Mihalcea M.D. Dr. Lee Merritt has long been skeptical of the vaccines containing any mRNA because while it has been seen to be useful, there isn’t currently any transport mechanism that can keep it cold enough.
Written by Mike Adams
In this video Mike Adam speaks to Richard Gage as he unloads irrefutable evidence that WTC 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition contrary to the government narrative.
Written by Ivor Cummins
In this video, Ivor Cummins shares a truly amazing compilation that proves we were all correct. It shows that those in power along with the mainstream media helped push a scientifically false agenda for years.
Written by The Daily Mail
Scientists have confirmed that the oldest living animal on Earth evolved from the first animals from which humans also came
Written by Daniel Mercer
Take a walk down any typical suburban Australian street, and chances are you’ll see solar panels on someone’s roof, probably on many roofs
Written by Samantha Flom
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has issued yet another warning about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI)—namely, that it could destroy humanity
Written by Marina Zhang
With screen usage skyrocketing, scientists and eye care professionals have discovered that the secret to strengthening and maintaining the health of your visual system is getting sunlight exposure early in the day
Written by Mattias Desmet
The Belgian politician Connor Rousseau and his social-democratic Vooruit party want to require parents to send their children to daycare and kindergarten.