The increasing disconnection between the frequently-adjusted global surface temperature datasets and the accurate satellite measurement of the troposphere is casting further doubt on the unproven hypothesis that humans cause all or most ‘climate change’ by burning fossil fuels
Today lets talk a bit about the history of the use of Ivermectin for treating COVID-19, and in particular the new book which will be out in just a few days from Dr. Pierre Kory and Jenna McCarthy titled “The War on Ivermectin”
Troy vom Braucke enjoys a stellar career helping R&D teams bringing superior high-tech products to market. His insights are not only in the applied sciences, they also extend to the more theoretical and he relishes collaborating with some of the most brilliant scientific minds of our time.
Title: Slaying the Virus & Vaccine Dragon by John O’Sullivan, Saeed Qureshi, Judy Wilyman & Robert Beatty
Genre: Science, Medical
Rating: 5 Stars
The COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every living soul on the planet and governments took unprecedented measures in response. The four-author co-written Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon delves into the questionable medical science of the controversial vaccine as well as the political and monetary motivations subsumed in this unprecedented global reaction to the alleged novel virus.
In this series, we evaluate some of the lesser-known yet common adverse events that are appearing in the research literature and doctors’ clinics and, more importantly, how to deal with them and reduce the risks
More than half of teenagers think the world will likely end in their lifetime because of ‘climate change’, as parents warn of the dangers of “alarmist” teaching in schools
German police on Wednesday launched a wide-ranging national raid targeting climate activists with the group Last Generation on suspicions of forming or supporting a criminal organization
Some people are claiming there was a nuclear detonation in the Ukrainian Khmelnitsky ammunition depot hit on May 13 by precision missiles launched by the Russian Air Force