The real founders of Earth Day were not the politicians who rode the wave of environmental consciousness that swept the public in the late 60s and early 70s to establish the logistics of the organization.
Written by Tom Harris
The real founders of Earth Day were not the politicians who rode the wave of environmental consciousness that swept the public in the late 60s and early 70s to establish the logistics of the organization.
Written by PSI Editor
This weekend on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying are two truthers and people’s champions with much to say about the current malaise in our society, including the only lawyer ever to have obtained a court ruling that a U.S. president committed a crime!
Written by Conan Milner
Religions teach us to turn the other cheek, but in practice, forgiveness may seem impossible
Written by Georgia State University
For many people, middle age arrives with some minor mental slip-ups. These “senior moments” are universal experiences that come with aging—and typically harmless
Written by Vance Voetberg
In late March, Italy became one of the first countries to take a decisive stance on lab-grown meat. The proposed bill is clear: Italy seeks to ban lab-grown meat production, sale, and use
Written by Chris Morrison
A recent poll conducted by a group within the University of Chicago found that belief in humans causing all or most ‘climate change’ had slumped in America from 60 percent to 49 percent recorded just five years ago.
Written by Dr M Nisa Khan
Written by Samantha Flom
Artificial intelligence (AI) may not be advanced enough to replace teachers now, but according to Bill Gates, that time is not far off
Written by Andrew Thornebrooke
Robotic killing machines prowl the land, the skies, and the seas. They are fully automated, seeking out and engaging with adversarial robots across every domain of war. Their human handlers are relegated to the rearguard, overseeing the action at a distance while conflicts are fought and won by machines
Written by John Leake
In our book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Dr. McCullough and I give numerous examples of how anyone—even eminently qualified scientists and researchers—who questions the prevailing orthodoxy about a range of public policy issues will likely be labelled a “conspiracy theorist.”
Written by Marc Morano
Marc Morano responds to criticism of his trans-energy comparison on his daily segment of The Morano Minute on TNT radio
Written by David Bell
The mRNA ‘vaccines’ were released globally in early 2021 with the slogan ‘safe and effective.’
Written by George Webb
My first post on this topic, “Did Remdesivir Start As A SuperSoldier Shield”, was not specific enough about the HIV and Hepatitis-C work done by Southern Research for Gilead and the DoD
Written by Michael Deacon
Forget the stunt at the snooker. Forget the grandstanding at the Grand National. And forget the threats to disrupt the London Marathon this weekend. That’s nothing
Written by Devon Andre
A bit of heat can unlock more of the nutrients in some of your favorite vegetables
Written by Megan Edgelow
What you do every day matters and routines help you do it