WHO has been Bought by Predatory Billionaires

Written by Senator Malcolm Roberts

The World Health Organisation was established in 1948 to improve health outcomes in developing nations. Since the appointment of Tedros Ghebreyesus as Director-General in 2017, it has undergone a complete change of direction

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A Vaccine Fanatic at Santa Clara University

Written by John Leake

Lucia Sinatra cofounded NoCollegeMandates.com to help fight college vaccine mandates, and she writes an occasional column for the Brownstone Institute about pigheaded and tyrannical university bureaucrats who have fanatically pursued the objective of getting a COVID-19 vaccine needle in the arm of every incoming student

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How Teflon Poisoned the World

Written by Georg Rockall-Schmidt

This is the story of how Polytetrafluoroethylene, brand name Teflon, has poisoned almost the entire world with Perfluorooctanoic acid, PFOA, which is cancer-causing

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