Most people shower or wash their faces before going to bed, and some even change their pajamas on a daily basis. However, the cleanliness of bedsheets and pillowcases is often overlooked
The great diversity of ways to make money in the climate industry is illustrated by, among many other things, the existence of something called the Climate Psychology Certificate program, which I learned about from a letter the program’s leaders wrote the Wall Street Journal responding to a column by Alyssia Finley on how climate change obsession has become a mental disorder
A doctors group is questioning the ethics of a partnership between Moderna and NHS centres around England in a clinical trial of a new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for children and adults over 12
Having personal experience of how science is used and abused in courtroom battles the recent sensational conviction of nurse Lucy Letby as modern Britain’s worst serial child killer is troubling. Did the science presented fairly reflect the facts or was an innocent women cruelly jailed for life?
I saw this response at RedState to a National Audubon Society plea to turn off our lights at night and pull down our shades to save a billion birds a year
Remember how depopulation was called a right-wingconspiracy theory? Well, things have changed, and “population collapse,” which can no longer be denied, is now good for us!
London is becoming a very expensive place for motorists. The Mail has compiled a grim list of existing and proposed charges to show drivers just how much it is going to cost to drive in the capital
CMS publishes record-level nursing home data by week. When you analyze this data different ways, the conclusion is always the same: the vaccines were a disaster, increasing the death rate from COVID
In reporting on a Montana case in which a judge ruled that the state had to include the climate effect of oil and gas permits before deciding on them, the Associated Press showed just how brain-dead the discussions of “global warming” have become
In preparation for the upcoming inquiry, Carl Heneghan has been asked to appear in person and has already submitted written evidence – in preparation, we’ll be looking at a host of issues that might come up.