Here’s What You Need To Remember: The purpose of Operation Paperclip was to secure the minds behind Nazi Germany’s much-vaunted “wunderwaffe” designs
How America Stole All of Nazi Germany’s Technology After the War
Written by Robert Farley
Written by Robert Farley
Here’s What You Need To Remember: The purpose of Operation Paperclip was to secure the minds behind Nazi Germany’s much-vaunted “wunderwaffe” designs
Written by Matt Orfalea
The COVID-19 lie that started it all—before lockdowns and mandates—was the lie that the virus was more deadly than it actually was
Written by Yudi Sherman
An IndiGo airline pilot Thursday collapsed at the boarding gate in Nagpur airport and was pronounced dead at the hospital, according to Hindustan Times
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
The Kaiser Family Foundation is a pro-vaccine organization that has a biased polling system aimed at showing satisfaction and benefit of mass vaccination among other family issues
Written by Michael Wallach
I confess. I still think it’s worth calling out the lie behind the covid cult
Written by James Woudhuysen
An article of faith among today’s elites is that governments should ban their way to ‘Net Zero’. Rishi Sunak’s government is no exception
Written by Arthur Firstenberg
Written by Jack Hellner
The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a globalist enterprise with at least 14 partners right here in the U.S., and they have set an “ambitious target” to convince the masses to give up meat, dairy, and private car ownership, as well as almost all flights, to supposedly ‘save the planet’
Written by Jim Fetzer
In this video, we get a wonderful short speech by Malcolm Roberts, who is probably the best truth-teller in the Aussie parliament.
Written by Kent Carnivore
In this video, Jordan Peterson discusses the results he saw after only eating beef for 5 years on the carnivore diet.
Written by GBNews
‘Its been very hard for the Mayor’s office to demonstrate there will be much environmental or health benefit from ULEZ.’
Written by Quantum Universe
Until Voyager arrived in the Neptunian system, this was the least understood of all the planets. Invisible to the naked eyes, Neptune was a world hidden from view.
Written by Dr. John Campbell
In this video, Dr. John Campbell discuss how the TGA are stopping reports on myocarditis as an adverse reaction to the Covid “vaccines”.
Written by CDN
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter from the problem of EV fires to the carbon offsets called “trees” also being vulnerable to combustion.
Written by CDN
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter from the claim of the hottest day ever based on computer manipulation of data going back only to 1979 to signs of sanity on nuclear power.
Written by Dr. Mark S. Borsuk DCCAK
‘Slaying The Virus & Vaccine Dragon’ written by John O’Sullivan, Judy Wilyman, Saeed Qureshi and Robert Beatty leaves absolutely no stone unturned in regard to the plandemic of March 2020. It knocked on the door of every person in over 200 countries worldwide. From fraudulent PCR testing to create false cases in healthy individuals, to the pseudo-science, to the patents of the Vaccines produced prior to the event, to the conspiring of the Media, the Politicians and the Health Agencies; this book covers every aspect of the Greatest Crime to ever face Humanity.