Project Veritas exposes the Biden Administration’s climate scam

Written by Project Veritas

Brent Efron, a special advisor working on Biden’s climate agenda openly admitted to a Project Veritas journalist that the Environmental Protection Agency is rushing to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars into nonprofits to keep climate projects alive—before Trump can get into office and turn off the spigot

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The Psywar Glossary

Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS

By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms… elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest… will remain.

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Consumer Groups Demand FDA Ban Cancer-causing Red Dye No. 3

Written by The New Lede

In the waning days of the Biden administration, a long-fought battle over a cancer-causing food additive is again in the spotlight as consumer advocacy groups and lawmakers demand federal regulators ban red dye No. 3, a chemical used to give popular candies, foods and drinks their cherry-red colors.

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