British tv weather girl Laura Tobin has been on the receiving end of harsh criticism after claiming recent temperatures in Phoenix, Arizona, was effectively making the city uninhabitable without air conditioning.
So the new VAERS data was just dropped two days ago July 21 and my friend’s report I filed on his behalf has not been published, even though a finalized ID# 2656675 has been issued
A climate corporation is trying to gain access to dozens of private properties in South Dakota against their owners’ consent so it can build a “carbon capture” pipeline
The next global 5G Protest for Freedom will take place on Saturday/Sunday 23/24 September. There are exactly two months to go and I ask you all kindly to start preparing your Action now so we can make this one HUGE!
The number of barriers to healing is a long and sordid list with a dirty food, water, and air supply sitting at the top. Combine that with a poor relationship with the sun and the earth, and true healing becomes very difficult. However, if we can reignite our connection with the earth, we may find healing becomes a lot easier.
In 1907 a professor of chemistry at Tokyo Imperial University named Kikunea Ikeda was eating dinner when he noticed that his broth was particularly delicious.
On August 6th, 1945, the people of Hiroshima, Japan became some of the only humans to ever witness first-hand the awesome and terrible power of an atom split for offensive purposes.