There are two basic theories for the origin of crude oil: biotic and abiotic
Is oil a ‘fossil fuel’ or is it abiotic?
Written by Rhoda Wilson
Written by Rhoda Wilson
There are two basic theories for the origin of crude oil: biotic and abiotic
Written by Andy Rowlands
A couple days ago, the media was reporting the NHS is to ban the use of a ‘potent greenhouse gas’ used in anasthetics. However, as so often happens now, you are only being told half the story
Written by Kevin Killough
The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger station is an impressive beast. With 98 charging bays, the facility in Coalinga, California, is the largest charging station in the world
Written by American Greatness
The co-founder of Greenpeace Canada told podcast host Dan Proft that “climate alarmism is 100 percent untrue.”
Written by Daniel Woolfson
John Lewis has stopped offering insurance to electric car drivers amid fears over the cost of repairs
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
“Catastrophizing” the weather refers to the exaggerated portrayal or emphasis on the severity, frequency, or implications of weather events beyond what scientific data and historical context might suggest
Written by Mark Gaffney
Skeptics have pointed to the alleged absence of radiation at ground zero as proof that nuclear weapons were not used to demolish the twin towers in New York City on September 11, 2001
Written by Dr Clare Craig
Office for National Statistics deaths by vaccination status
Written by Phillip Altman
The UK’s Office of National Statistics provides alarming data
Written by James Tweedie
A British independent journalist has been arrested after he condemned the Canadian parliament’s lauding of a Ukrainian Nazi Waffen-SS member
Written by Chris Morrison
Four leading Italian scientists have undertaken a major review of historical climate trends and concluded that declaring a ‘climate emergency’ is not supported by the data
Written by Joe Postma
I think that it is better to use a spherical Earth with the real solar input to do an energy budget, rather than a flat Earth with 1/4 the solar input like peer-reviewed and pedagogical climate science does things
Written by Kenneth Richard
New research published in the MDPI journal atmosphere by Dr. Stuart A. Harris asserts past and modern climatic changes are natural and not driven by atmospheric CO2
Written by H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D
Written by Auto Expert John Cadogan
In this video, John Cadogan discusses a giant Tesla grid storage battery fire which continues to burn in one of Queensland’s first large-scale battery storage system.
Written by Joe Postma
In this video, The Oppenheimer Ranch Project debunk the Flat Earth Climate Alarm with Joe Postma.