Or is it just the culmination of a long game against our digital rights and freedoms?
Is Online Harms/Safety Legislation really about ‘hate speech’?
Written by Mr Law, Health and Technology
Written by Mr Law, Health and Technology
Or is it just the culmination of a long game against our digital rights and freedoms?
Written by Jennifer Nalewicki
While installing new gas lines in Peru, workers unearthed nearly a dozen pre-Inca mummies buried alongside a variety of artifacts
Written by David Nield
Scientists aren’t stopping in their attempts to try and unlock the secrets of aging so we can live healthier lives for longer
Written by David Nield
From the oxygen-carrying corpuscles in our blood to the branching neurons that govern our thoughts, our body is built of a dazzling variety of cells
Written by Clare Watson
For centuries, inventor, scholar, and artist Leonardo da Vinci has been lauded for his precise, well-proportioned drawings and imaginative designs
Written by Rhoda Wilson
Covid injections contain therapeutic levels of DNA – this is the definition of gene therapy
Written by Russell McLendon
The Vikings were notorious raiders, but they were traders too, establishing vast trade routes that flourished from the 8th to 11th centuries
Written by Michelle Starr
Back in 2018, a tank of the purest water, buried under kilometers of rock in Ontario, Canada, flashed as barely detectable particle slammed through its molecules
Written by Matt Williams
The Moon will be a popular destination for space programs worldwide in the coming years
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Last Sunday marked two years since Gavin Newsom announced his COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all K-12 students in California, and the battle for our children and our autonomy has never been more imperative
Written by John Leake
The 2023 prize for mRNA vaccine developers is reminiscent of prizes to Fritz Haber (1918), Paul Müller (1948) and Antonio Moniz (1949)
Written by Brendan O'Neill
Remember when a flood was just a flood? A watery calamity that might make roads impassable, homes unlivable, and sometimes, in the worst cases, claim lives? Not anymore
Written by The Expose
They show that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74 percent of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73 percent of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people
Written by Tammy Nemeth
Retailers could be required to account for emissions from production to consumption of everything they sell
Written by Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP
As science searches for ways to improve breast cancer detection, AI is demonstrating that it can detect breast cancer better than humans
Written by Thomas Catenacci
The Biden administration quietly issued a 59-page report outlining the current scope of federal energy-related subsidies, revealing that the renewable energy sector enjoys significantly larger taxpayer backing than the fossil fuel industry