In this Fourth Relationship lecture we continue to look at flaws in some of John Gottman’s research.
Relationships Part 4: Divorce Prevention, Soothing and De-Escalation
Written by Well Here We Go
Written by Well Here We Go
In this Fourth Relationship lecture we continue to look at flaws in some of John Gottman’s research.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this Third Relationship Lecture we observe the Zeigarnik effect and why this makes unresolved issues in relationships so challenging.
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
As the storm clouds of COVID gray and black propaganda coming from our Governments (in close cooperation/partnership with Pharma and academia) continue to pummel all of us, it is useful to revisit the actual timeline and events concerning what the US Government knew and when
Written by John Evans
Leading scientist warns against £32 million move as research finds cars become less efficient at low speed
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Nobody is safe until everybody is safely vaccinated claimed the New York Times
Written by Marina Zhang
Written by Nick Pope
A country on the forefront of the green transition will put several mothballed coal-fired power plants back online ahead of the upcoming winter, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday
Written by Anton Petrov
In this video, Anton Petrov discusses the Indian Moon mission and what was found now it is finally over.
Written by Expose News
For nine months now Andrew Bridgen has been “asking Parliament on a weekly basis for a debate on the really important issue of excess deaths. This is an issue he says “that affects every community, and every constituency across the land.” he says and that “It has been affecting most of the developed world.”
Written by Hawaii Real Estate
In this video, we look at NOAA’s website and when you click on Hawaii, it brings up different types of weather detected by the satellite.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this Second Relationship lecture we look at factors that predict divorce and how to avoid them.
Written by Well Here We Go
Full disclosure, I do not think most people will like the contents of these lectures, bear in mind I am building to something with this information specifically establishing communication styles, brain structures for pair bonding etc before talking about more controversial things
Written by PSI Editor
Saturday 07 October – live from 7pm to 9pm (Eastern) listen to TNT RADIO with Principia Scientific’s denizens interviewing top mathematician, Richard Gill, on how stats have been misused to jail the innocent for murder. Also, climate skeptic, Steve Goreham, debunks the latest climate crazy nonsense.
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
As if there weren’t already enough climate summits, the New York Times reports that the UN hosted yet another one, this time called the “Summit on Climate Ambition”
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
Another day, another whack-a-mole alarmist scare. This time it’s “Exclusive: Glaciers vanishing at record rate in Alps following heatwaves”
Written by Doug Brodie
My email to Mr Maurice Golden, MSP for North East Scotland, Mr Donald Ross MP/MSP, Sir Edward Mountain MSP, Mr Drew Hendry MP, Mr Fergus Ewing MSP