The Truth About Antibiotics

Written by Dr. Sam Bailey

Antibiotics are often hailed as one of the greatest discoveries of medical science. They are credited with saving scores of soldiers in the World War II era and millions of lives since then.

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Closing the Mouth of Hell

Written by CDN

Now seems like a good time finally to get to the election of a new head of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the supposedly authoritative and certainly unavoidable IPCC of alarmist lore.

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Aloe Vera – Effects on Blood Glucose and Benefits

Written by Epoch Times

When the term “aloe vera” is mentioned, many thoughts may come to mind. It’s the plant that individuals have turned to for thousands of years for various reasons. Cleopatra, for example, used aloe vera as part of her beauty regimen, Christopher Columbus used it to treat wounds, and people in America used it in the early 1800s as a laxative.

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