Why the war on ‘fossil fuels’ is insane and will do immense harm
Written by Bob Webster

Written by Bob Webster
Written by Lynne Balzer
We are repeatedly told that 97 percent of scientists agree that Earth’s climate is experiencing dangerous warming caused by human activities
Written by Guy Gin
Just when I thought I might never have to write about the Covid-19 Pandemic in Japan again, the Nature journal Scientific Reports publishes a hallucinogenically ludicrous counterfactual modelling study co-authored by Hiroshi Nishiura, the Japanese government’s go-to guy for epidemiological modelling madness
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
We talked last week about a proposal to refreeze the poles, which last we checked are already frozen. But the aspirations of geotinkerers don’t end at messing with the Arctic
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
According to StarInsider, “The impact of climate change and global warming is hitting humanity hard. It’s also having grave implications for the natural world, not least Earth’s already fragile ecosystems. But if asked, how would you describe the consequences of climate change on everyday life?”
Written by Matthew Lysiak
A report that nearly three out of every four active duty service members of the military are either overweight or obese is an indicator that the low-fat, high-carbohydrate food diet that for decades has been enforced by the United States Armed Forces needs to be scrapped, according to an expert
Written by James R. Riordon
Quantum weirdness applies to sound as well as to light and atomic particles
Written by Keith Cooper
A search for anomalous flashes of energy and signs of life on nearby exoplanets are also on the menu
Written by Stephanie Pappas
The gold and platinum that came from giant space rocks should have sunk into Earth’s core instead of rising to the crust
Written by Matthew Addicoat
Most chemical compouds are still unknown to science. How many new ones can we make by combining elements from the periodic table?
Written by Ellie Abraham
A huge mass of heat-emitting rock has been found buried beneath the surface of the Moon
Written by Ellie Abraham
The whale species, commonly known as killer whales, is an apex predator that has learned to adapt its hunting methods to a variety of different prey
Written by Harriet Brewis
The name “core” suggests something hard and fixed but, it turns out, the Earth’s core is leaking
Written by Lael Gilbert
Since the HMS Beagle arrived in the Galapagos with Charles Darwin to meet a fateful family of finches, ecologists have struggled to understand a particularly perplexing question: Why is there a ridiculous abundance of species some places on Earth and a scarcity in others? What factors, exactly, drive animal diversity?
Written by Bob Yirka
A trio of fluid dynamics and mathematical modelers at Kyoto University has discovered how sperm and other tiny creatures are able to skirt Newton’s third law of motion
Written by Steve Kirsch
There were problems with the UK data that Professor Fenton pointed out that have not been fully addressed. There is huge selection bias which results in significantly different NCACM