Safe and Effective™

Written by Joel Smalley

Safe and effective, what do these words actually mean? Less than a dozen MPs bothered to turn up. It’s not even “12 angry men”. #Can you see it yet?

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The UK COVID Vaccine Debate That Didn’t Happen

Written by Joel Smalley

In stark contrast to the disgraceful half hour on recent excess deaths, afforded to MP Andrew Bridgen by the UK Parliament after many obstacles, where pretty much every “representative” didn’t bother to attend, Arizona State permitted several witnesses, expert and ordinary people, five full hours of testimony of evidence of COVID “vaccine” harms.

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Wind Unaffordable, Costs Common Sense

Written by Larry Bell

The Biden administration’s “Net Zero” carbon plan set for accomplishment by 2050 is predicated upon an assumption that America can transition energy use from more than 80 percent obtained from hydrocarbons by increasing the three percent we get from wind and solar combined . . . with the vast majority of that from ‘renewable’ friendly breezes

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