The secret world of anthrax is deep, dark, and dirty
The AnthraX Chronicles Part 5
The secret world of anthrax is deep, dark, and dirty
Written by Julian Gillespie
Good substack folk, this note expands on my earlier article Australian Gene Technology Regulator, Dr Raj Bhula .. admits modRNA products are GMOs
Written by Climate Discussion Nexus
According to climate alarmist James Hansen you are a heatstroke-addled fool. Thank you. Thank you very much
Written by Jon Rappoport
When I discovered this study several years ago and wrote the following extensive piece on it, the study was a bolt from the blue, a complete devastating shocker
Written by Sky News Australia
Shadow Resources Minister Susan McDonald says Labor is “funding environmental activists” to challenge government decisions on mining and agricultural projects
Written by Jim Fetzer
Dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose new film will be released on 22 November 2021. His “JFK” was a masterpiece with three flaws: he did not know Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by or that the Zapruder film had been massively edited.
Written by Tom Finnerty
Well, the anti-human environmentalist nuts of Just Stop Oil have done it again. And this time they’ve got hammers.
Written by Jerm Warfare
James Fetzer, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Science at the University of Minnesota, engaged in a conversation with me about the cover-up surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, commonly referred to as JFK.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
I’ve been seeing headlines such as this lately: ‘You just lived through Earth’s hottest 12 months on record‘
Written by Zachary Streiber
Vaccination coverage is lower among health care workers and kindergartners, according to two studies published on Nov. 9 by the U.S. CDC
Written by 2nd smartest guy in the world
The UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has quietly confirmed that it will no longer publish data on deaths by vaccination status because, for the past two and half years, the data has proven COVID-19 vaccination is deadly, reducing lifespan significantly, and that over 9 in 10 COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.
Written by Phillip Altman
The COVID synthetic gene-based “vaccines” are classified as gene therapy
Written by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
My dear WCH colleague Dr Mark Trozzi has been found “guilty” of trying to save humanity by the corrupt College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
As an adult medicine physician, every year I am personally confronted with the decision on annual influenza vaccination
Written by Meryl Nass MD
This is a fairly comprehensive but reasonably short explanation of what is wrong with the WHO proposals. It is hard to dispute
Written by Phillip Altman
Previously I have published a list of government misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. The list keeps expanding