The renewable-power fantasy is being blown apart by furious financial headwinds
Collapse of projects shows again that wind power is not affordable
Written by James E. Hanley
Written by James E. Hanley
The renewable-power fantasy is being blown apart by furious financial headwinds
Written by Jordan Stachel
Up to 30 percent of people in the United States will develop shingles in their lifetime, and the risk of developing it increases as we age
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Each nation in the world has its own culture, governance structures, traditions, property, borders and peoples. We must preserve the diversity and sovereignty of nations and cultures
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease. I graduated with a degree in this field from the University of Michigan
Written by Sally Beck
Captain Shane Murdock says the air industry is ‘poised on the precipice of disaster’
Written by Allan Stein
Written by Fabio G. C. Carisio
Why to do many people feel sick nowadays? A recent study from India suggests the CO VID-19 vaccine is causing prolonged symptoms in over half of unwary recipients
Written by BBC
The remains of what is believed to be a henge monument and Roman pottery centre have been unearthed on the site of a new housing development in Nottinghamshire
Written by Dr Wilson Sy
A Lancet paper has made outrageous claims that Covid vaccines are highly effective in reducing Covid and all-cause mortality for older Australians. This paper, used by the Australian Government to support more boosters for the elderly, is debunked in the following open letter
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
Among an array of tests I obtain in patients with post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccine is the antinuclear antibody
Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH
I had a wonderful trip to Monterey Bay, California as a guest of Richard Barnard, a fastidious retired photographer who fits the description of “conservative” in every sense and his lovely wife Rosemary, a stalwart home educator of five successful children
Written by Zachary Streiber
A top deputy to Dr. Anthony Fauci indicated in a newly uncovered email that he purposefully did not keep records that he knew would be sought by the public and congressional investigators
Written by Phillip Altman
Did you know the Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine (Vaxzevria) was effectively and quietly withdrawn from sale in Australia a few months ago?
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
Blaming the climate for every tragic weather event is easy and convenient. However, this can be a dangerous oversimplification that ignores the role of policy and infrastructure failures in exacerbating these disasters
Written by Meryl Dorey
This story, of Rebecca’s precious daughter, Danielle who was murdered by greedy doctors, became a common story during the last four years
Written by Meryl Dorey
Can I please ask for your help in sharing my challenge for a debate with Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire (benshapiro on Twitter) on the science behind vaccination?