When a group of researchers asked an AI to design a robot that could walk, it created a “small, squishy and misshapen” thing that walks by spasming when filled with air
Barry Green recounts the moment in June 1983 when the JET fusion laboratory at Culham in Oxfordshire undertook its first experiment: “It felt brilliant. One thing is to work on a design, another thing is to operate it.”
NASA engineering and flight control teams are continuing to review data and video associated with a coolant leak from a backup radiator on the station’s Nauka multipurpose laboratory module
Some asteroids have measured densities higher than those of any elements known to exist on Earth. This suggests that they are at least partly composed of unknown types of “ultradense” matter that cannot be studied by conventional physics
VENUS has been chosen as the destination for two new NASA missions to investigate the planet’s atmosphere and geological features, following the discovery of “enough water to support plentiful life” by NASA
Leader of the international campaign for an unbiased official probe into alleged COVID19 ‘vaccine crimes’ has been arrested in Mexico and deported to Germany, according to reports.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer and spokesman for the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, a non-governmental investigative committe based in Germany, was a key player among those aiming to expose official misconduct during the pandemic crisis. He faces prosecution under separate German and EU warrants.
When exposed to low levels of disinfectants and antiseptics in the lab, a bacterium that sickens thousands in the U.S. every year becomes more tolerant to antibiotics
We have come a long way from Americans lining up in a fear-driven trance to get their first COVID-19 vaccines in December 2020 to a near complete lack of interest in 2023