My Aunty Bunty used to work in a factory in Dundee, in Scotland, with thousands of other women all adding colour to black and white photographs
Removing Colour From Coral Photographs To Mislead The Public
Written by Jennifer Marohasy
Written by Jennifer Marohasy
My Aunty Bunty used to work in a factory in Dundee, in Scotland, with thousands of other women all adding colour to black and white photographs
Written by The Guardian
A23a split from the Antarctic’s Filchner Ice Shelf in 1986, but it became stuck to the ocean floor and had remained for many years in the Weddell Sea
Written by Zachary Streiber
People who recovered from COVID-19 were better off than those who received a COVID-19 vaccine, researchers find
Written by Naveen Athrappully
Written by Jim Crenshaw
In this video, we are going to be looking into natural flavors. Virtually everything we consume is polluted. They are killing us in so many ways we cannot see, taste or smell.
Written by Well Here We Go
We finish up looking at the Kinsey Report, and the influence Kinsey has had on sex education, science, and radical case made by some, based on this fallacious report, that Pedophilia should be made legal.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this lecture we look at Alfred Kinsey, his personal life and his research and see just how disturbing it is the amount of influence his work has had over society.
Written by Epoch TV
Written by Marina Zhang
Females and young adults are at an increased risk of suffering from side effects after COVID-19 vaccinations. People who take three doses as compared to two may present different side effects, a Japanese study finds.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Saturday 2nd December: A true medical hero live on air explains why he sacrificed his distinguished career as a UK consultant surgeon to blow the whistle on the fake science behind COVID19, unwarranted lockdowns and those downright dangerous ‘vaccines.’
Written by PSI Editor
Gaining traction for no-nonsense truth speak on all today’s topical events is Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell. TNT Radio’s daily show features Principia Scientific’s CEO John O’Sullivan every two weeks on a Friday. Don’t miss it!
Written by Robert Bryce
Chris Keefer, the Toronto-based physician and founder of Canadians for Nuclear Energy, calls the electric grid a “civilizational life support system”
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
Net Zero Watch is warning that the new ‘Zero Emission Mandate’ is just the latest in a series of blows that the political establishment has struck at motorists, and says it will not be the last
Written by WSJ Editorial Board
Things have gone from bad to worse in Germany this week after a court ruling forced the government to do something truly shocking: level with voters about how much the net-zero energy transition will cost
Written by Steve Kirsch
I was just contacted by this organization. So awesome that we now have a organization that will expose the people who spread misinformation, isn’t it?
Written by Welcome The Eagle
There is a big difference between a “dose series” versus “dose units” which means a pretty dynamic algorithm script needs to be created and applied to properly calculate the doses administered for each report