Both syphilis and congenital syphilis have been rising over the decades at alarming rates.
Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Rise Sharply in the US, Causes Explained
Written by Marina Zhang
Written by Marina Zhang
Both syphilis and congenital syphilis have been rising over the decades at alarming rates.
Written by Jack Phillips
Several doctors who were in the emergency room when former President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 raised serious doubts about the official narrative that says a lone gunman was responsible, according to a new documentary featuring interviews conducted in 2013.
Written by Ellen Wan
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at the biotech company moderna, their troubled history with keeping high level employees, their inability to generate products that go to market.
Written by CDN
From the CO2Science Archive: For years we have been bombarded with reports of melting and thinning of ice in the coastal areas of Greenland and the catastrophic consequences that climate alarmists have said will follow in the wake of the dramatic sea level rise they predict to result from the mountains of meltwater they say will be released to the surrounding ocean. Together with their even further-fetched story of imminent thermohaline circulation shutdown induced by the impending huge freshwater discharge to the region of North Atlantic Deep Water formation. Little, however, has been written about changes that may be occurring in the much larger interior region of the island’s famous ice sheet and what they might imply.
Written by CDN
UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s ambition for the upcoming COP conference is that “The response to the global stocktake must light the fuse to an explosion of ambition in 2025.” So his metric for success isn’t achieving anything or even having ambitions to, it’s having ambitions to have ambitions.
Written by TS News
Because of the continuing study of long COVID-19, the topic of brain bleeds has emerged and their connection to the prolonged disease. A study in Sweden documented the link between long Covid and dementia, and one of the residual effects of the ailment is brain bleeds. The Swedish study found a link with the APOE4 genotype to a higher probability of post-Covid-related brain bleeds to accumulation of data suggesting the Covid-19-related protein may collect, accumulate and possibly inflame the brain. This can lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, a new study could change the thinking on what causes brain bleeds.
Written by Jeff Crouere
Until December 12, leftists worldwide will meet in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for COP28, the 28th annual meeting of the “Conference of Parties” of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Written by Well Here We Go
We at look media coverage of covid vaccines before and after they were available, we look at Advanced Technology International who responsible for Covid vaccine contracts under warp speed.
Written by Meryl Dorey
This was expected. After all, most of us are now either completely convinced that we’ve been lied to for 4 years or else, we are starting to question and suspect that might be the case
Written by SuperSally888
The significance of this meticulous research on the Pfizer product cannot be understated. This technology is currently unfit for use! It must be trashed! What of the 5.5 Billion or so recipients?
Written by Efrat Fenigson
Last night I had the pleasure of chatting with my friend Alex Krainer, and the brilliant Tom Luongo, hosted by Rich on his podcast
Written by John Leake
A friend in Boston just sent me a Boston Globe interview with Nobel laureates Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko in which they reaffirm their faith in the COVID-19 vaccines
Written by Eric Utter
A new British government-funded study, conducted by scientists at the U.K. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, purports to show that “human breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.”
Written by The Richardson Post
The world’s rich and famous, plus an army of publicists, hangers-on and mendicants, are attending the COP28 meeting in Dubai, the ostentatious 7-star play-ground capital of United Arab Emirates where even the police drive luxury sports cars.
Written by News Max Health
In testimony provided to members of Congress, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that a surge in respiratory illnesses in China is not being fueled by a new virus.