Unprecedented Surges in Cardiac Arrest Cases in Victoria, Australia: Exploring the Potential Vaccine Link

Written by Ellen Wan

In the past two years, there has been a notable surge in the number of cardiac arrest cases in Victoria, Australia. From 2021 to 2022, cases increased by 5.8 percent compared to the previous year, reaching a historical high. These numbers have sparked public concerns about the potential side effects of vaccines.

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Greenland Ice Sheet: Going, Going… Growing!

Written by CDN

From the CO2Science Archive: For years we have been bombarded with reports of melting and thinning of ice in the coastal areas of Greenland and the catastrophic consequences that climate alarmists have said will follow in the wake of the dramatic sea level rise they predict to result from the mountains of meltwater they say will be released to the surrounding ocean. Together with their even further-fetched story of imminent thermohaline circulation shutdown induced by the impending huge freshwater discharge to the region of North Atlantic Deep Water formation. Little, however, has been written about changes that may be occurring in the much larger interior region of the island’s famous ice sheet and what they might imply.

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California Study Identifies New Source of Brain Bleeds

Written by TS News

Because of the continuing study of long COVID-19, the topic of brain bleeds has emerged and their connection to the prolonged disease. A study in Sweden documented the link between long Covid and dementia, and one of the residual effects of the ailment is brain bleeds. The Swedish study found a link with the APOE4 genotype to a higher probability of post-Covid-related brain bleeds to accumulation of data suggesting the Covid-19-related protein may collect, accumulate and possibly inflame the brain. This can lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia. However, a new study could change the thinking on what causes brain bleeds.

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Time for Climate Exit

Written by The Richardson Post

The world’s rich and famous, plus an army of publicists, hangers-on and mendicants, are attending the COP28 meeting in Dubai, the ostentatious 7-star play-ground capital of United Arab Emirates where even the police drive luxury sports cars.

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