What Sickness Can Teach Us

Written by John Leake

For the last three days I have been laid very low by some kind of bug. If four negative COVID-19 antigen tests are any indication, I don’t have COVID, but some other upper respiratory tract infection

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Silence in the face of evil is itself evil

Written by Phillip Altman

There was standing room only on 4th Dec. at the Golden Sheaf Hotel, Double Bay, Sydney for the launch of the book “Too Many Deaths” which is a collection of papers documenting and analysing the unexplained non-Covid Excess Deaths following the rollout of the Covid “vaccines”

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Dangerous Carbon Nanotubes as mRNA Carriers in a MODERNA Patent

Written by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

The “vexed question” on the presence of Graphene Oxide (GO) returns to sensational relevance thanks to the discovery made by an Italian computer scientist of two patents from the pharmaceutical company Moderna of Cambridge (Massachusetts), financed by Bill Gates and the military agency DARPA of the US Pentagon thanks to the supervision of the infamous American virologist Anthony Fauci

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