Dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose new film will be released on 22 November 2021. His “JFK” was a masterpiece with three flaws: he did not know Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by or that the Zapruder film had been massively edited.
James Fetzer, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of Science at the University of Minnesota, engaged in a conversation with me about the cover-up surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, commonly referred to as JFK.
The UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has quietly confirmed that it will no longer publish data on deaths by vaccination status because, for the past two and half years, the data has proven COVID-19 vaccination is deadly, reducing lifespan significantly, and that over 9 in 10 COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.
This last week has been spent at in-person meetings, first at the Brownstone Institute annual conference and gala in Texas, and currently at Hillsdale College in Michigan
The general collapse of the whole alarmist project includes, of course, the increasingly desperate back-peddling of politicians as their vision unravels and voters enrage