Despite there being multiple court cases in the U.S., India, Japan, Colombia, Spain and France proving the HPV vaccine to be an instrument of death and debilitation, pharmaceutical companies and multinational organizations continue to fund HPV vaccine campaigns in school systems around the world
Since the outset of the pandemic, the French authorities have been in relentless pursuit of one of their own most notable microbiologists, Dr. Didier Raoult
Our Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to insist that the Covid gene-based so-called “vaccines” are “safe and effective”………but what is happening in the real world?
There is a COVID propaganda war raging. My Substack of Nov 23 (CLICK HERE) described the latest salvo being promoted by the main stream media to encourage you to get further COVID-19 injections
One of the big losers of this week’s Dutch elections was Frans Timmermans (leader of a newly formed alliance of the Labour and Green parties), as right-winger Geert Wilders romped to victory
The “thought leaders” who generate ideas for the World Economic Forum and the United Nations propose measures to reduce the number of births in the next 70 years from 130 million to about 24 million per year
CNN published an article this weekend raising alarm about “disappearing” snowfall during the past 50 years, all the while burying the negligible amount of snow decline