18000+ Myopericarditis Cases from Vaccines

Written by Dr Peter McCullough MD, MPH

The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has maintained one of the strongest false narratives throughout the pandemic—its on mRNA vaccine myopericarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle and adjacent lining around the heart (pericardium).

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Rayburn House: History Made Today

Written by John Leake

In 1950, the renowned British epidemiologists Richard Doll and Austin Bradford Hill, published a landmark study titled Smoking and carcinoma of the lung; preliminary report, in the British Medical Journal.

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‘Climate Change’ and Catastrophe

Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

Amidst the fervent discourse surrounding ‘climate change’ and its impacts, a particularly stark narrative often emerges, the assertion that ‘climate change’ is directly causing an increase in human mortality and damage costs due to extreme weather events. However, a careful examination of empirical data calls into question the directness and simplicity of this claim.

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Public Access & EPA Witness Caught Lying

Written by Fluoride Alert

Dear Friends:

San Francisco: Plaintiffs’ attorneys had a good day at the courthouse on Tuesday, January 16th, in San Francisco, as a pre-trial hearing wrapped up before the start of a 9-day federal trial over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals, according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

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NOAA’s “Billion Dollar Disaster”

Written by CDN

Speaking of mistreating data, Roger Pielke Jr. has posted on his Substack the draft of a paper he submitted for review to a scientific journal on natural hazards, in which he argues forcefully that the latest version of the famous and highly effective clickbait “Billion Dollar Disaster” data set published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) fails to meet any of the data quality requirements set out by… NOAA.

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