It might sound odd, but in certain weather situations clouds can disappear from the skies during a solar eclipse. The disappearance of clouds is just one of the several eerie impacts such as darkening skies and absence of bird song that are likely to be observed during this year’s total solar eclipse.
The White House announced Tuesday it is directing NASA to create a unified time standard for the Moon and other celestial bodies, as governments and private companies increasingly compete in space.
The University of Cambridge is launching a taxpayer-backed, bird-brained initiative to “decolonise the dodo” by investigating its Museum of Zoology collection.
The December 1 to February 29 meteorological winter ended and the latest data for the mean winter temperature are available for Tokyo and its island Hachijō-jima
Three years after the United States military invaded Iraq, the American journalist, Thomas Ricks, published a review of the misadventure titled Fiasco.
Amid growing claims that schools indoctrinate students, ‘classical education’—which teaches kids to think critically and master old books—is making a comeback.
Reports in newspapers this week revealed that Britain’s domestic production of energy has reached a new record low. The news comes from trade group, Offshore Energies U.K.
A new study found higher levels of neurodegeneration in rats that consumed reused deep fried cooking oils and their offspring compared to rats on a normal diet
Almost eight million UK jobs could be lost to artificial intelligence in a “jobs apocalypse”, according to a report warning that women, younger workers and those on lower wages are at most risk from automation