Judicial Overreach in Green Robes

Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki

The recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that Switzerland has failed to protect its citizens from the impacts of climate change by not sufficiently curbing its carbon emissions has raised considerable debate.

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Avian Flu: Cattle Restrictions Imposed

Written by John Leake

Though it’s still too early to make any firm declarations, I’m increasingly concerned that the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex—closely tied with the Davos crowd that advocates the general reduction of animal protein in the human diet—may have found the dread “Disease X” it’s been warning about.

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The Dangerous Rise Of Climate Litigation

Written by Dr David McGrogan

I was once in the audience at a conference when a very senior member of the judiciary of a major developed nation declared off-handedly, in a response to a question, that: “Law is relevant to every single issue of human conduct.”

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