The number of pupils suspended from British schools has reached a record high as experts warn that bad behaviour has increased as a result of lockdown school closures
Up to half the excess deaths in American nursing homes were due to the impact of lockdowns and mitigation measures on frail residents rather than the virus. That’s the conclusion of epidemiologist Professor Eyal Shahar in a new analysis of a study on U.S. nursing home deaths
The vegan diet is low in – or, in some cases, entirely devoid of – several important brain nutrients. Could these shortcomings be affecting vegans’ abilities to think?
The “megaraptor” — technically part of the dinosaur taxon Fujianipusyingliangi — lived some 96-million years ago and grew up to five meters in length (that’s about 16 feet for those of you who measure in American), according to New Scientist
New Mexico’s Economic Development Department announced plans this month to spend millions of dollars on “energy transition” projects [to meet climate change metrics and create jobs]. [emphasis, links added]
FCC testing showed popular cellphone brands exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation, but the agency hid the information from the public and the courts, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust.
Some people were confused by the claim in a recent CDN “Readout” video, based on a newsletter earlier this year, that Arctic ice was higher in 2024 than it had been for some time.
Reality physics is based of observable evidence and reason while fantasy physics is based on belief and ego. One is objective the other is subjective. While the one tries to explain the data, the other tries to make the data conform to their beliefs.
When I was a kid living on a small dairy farm in Queensland, we relied on green energy – horses and human muscles provided most motive power; fire-wood and beeswax candles supplied heat and light; a windmill pumped water and the sun provided solar energy for drying clothes and growing crops, vegies and pastures