‘Carbon’-capture-and-underground-storage “(CCUS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”
The ‘Carbon’ Capture Con
Written by Viv Forbes
Written by Viv Forbes
‘Carbon’-capture-and-underground-storage “(CCUS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”
Written by Will Jones
Former BBC newsreader Kate Silverton has said she left the corporation because it was failing to challenge the impact of Covid lockdown policies on children
Written by by Stacy Meichtry, Bertrand Benoit, and Phred Dvorak
Consumers are starting to pay for the energy transition, and they aren’t happy about it. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Oliver jj Lane
Two elderly green protesters entered an exhibit at the British Library and used a lump hammer and cold chisel in an attempt to smash the glass case of the Magna Carta. [emphasis, links added]
Written by Mike Stone
In the United States, we spend far more than any other industrialized nation on our healthcare, with a recent report from January 2023 by the Commonwealth Fund, an independent research group, stating that the US spends nearly twice as much as the average country.
Written by Dominic Standish
There are several signs that EU elites’ commitment to Net Zero could be wavering
Written by Roger Pielke Jr.
Over the weekend, Bill McGuire, an Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London, set X/Twitter afire with the following Tweet, which foresees the “culling of the human population” as the “only realistic” way to address ‘climate change’
Written by Gregory Wrightstone
The purveyors of climate doom will not tolerate the good news of our planet thriving because of modest warming and increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
Written by Dr Alan Mordue
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic did not follow established pandemic plans. In fact, the responses were closer to the exact opposite of what appeared in these plans
Written by Dr. M. Nisa Khan
Written by Gabor Tinz
In the 1960s, on an 840-acre island at the entrance to Long Island Sound, scientists at the highly guarded Plum Island Animal Disease Center were at the forefront of U.S. biological-weapons research.
Written by John Leake
Université Laval is the oldest institution of higher learning in Canada and has educated some of that nation’s most accomplished sons and daughters, including former Prime Ministers Louis St. Laurent, Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien.
Written by Dr. Matthew Wielicki
In a recent legislative move, Vermont has proposed a “Climate Superfund” bill aimed at holding fossil fuel companies financially accountable for weather-related damages.
Written by Will Jones
Having more vaccine doses leads to more Covid infections, a major study has found.
Written by Efrat Fenigson
With antisemitism being the next pretext to further tighten the censorship belt on free speech, let’s recall the globalists previous excuse to censor the truth
Written by Raphael Lataster, PhD
An unofficial series of four crucially important medical journal articles (JECP4), two by me, appearing in major academic publisher Wiley’s Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice reveals that claims made about COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies, which significantly impacts risk-benefit analyses