Converting America’s medium and heavy-duty trucks to battery operation in accordance with goals from the Biden administration would add massive costs to commercial trucking, according to a new analysis released last Wednesday
As atmospheric CO2 levels continue to set record highs, skepticism about the effectiveness of transitioning from fossil fuels to renewables like solar, wind, and batteries grows.
The clinical reality of COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis, blood clots, and other medical disasters seems much larger than available reports in the medical literature.
May 6, 2024: In July of 2022 I began reporting on my analysis of Pfizer’s Phase-3 trial data of babies and toddlers from the ages of 6 months to 4 years old.
Remember the polar bears? Those cute, cuddly, incredibly dangerous apex predator icons of the climate emergency that once roamed the frozen wastes of the far north until climate change wiped them all out?
Former BBC newsreader Kate Silverton has said she left the corporation because it was failing to challenge the impact of Covid lockdown policies on children